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Compositing and Rigging


Rigger on the project ‘The girl who could speak cat’ and ‘Agnes and Ollie’ 


Rigging within these projects allowed me to harness already established skills and also to gain further experience by extending into new areas of expertise. After importing the already designed characters (Photoshop) I was able to rig them within After Effects, making sure all the sections move correctly and can move in the necessary ways. This also made me even more aware of practicalities around how the differing bodies move. This is very useful to know instinctively, if in a teaching position in the future. 


Set builder/ Compositor on ‘Hermits’


Although the technique of the Hermits project backgrounds, initially Photo's of build sets combined with 2D, changed to a 2D background the testing of the sets was still a valuable learning experience and allowed me to work to build a Set albeit for a limited period.

This gave me the opportunity to experience working to a low budget. I appreciate the fact that this work will be beneficial to me in the future with animation therapy system because it has enriched my experiences in designing and building using different materials and techniques. 

Working on each of these projects was comfortable explaining different aspects of the projects to others, in particular, the team dynamics and collaboration were constructive and helped me to be flexible in the way that I helped others as well as learning and consolidating skills.




This is a collection of the work as a compositor or rigger through both my Master and Degree. 

Rigging step by step - 'The girl who spoke cat'


Showreel Post-Production 'Memoirs'


Rigging step by step - 'Agnes and Ollie'


Showreel Post-Production 'I Made It' 



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