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Having completed both a Degree and Masters in animation I have a solid grasp of core competencies that allow me to transfer familiarity of software and techniques into my work. However, developing these technical skill-sets via every new project I start is essential for me, as I am hoping to introduce sophisticated areas of animation into therapy. Here are some examples of both group work and also work I have made more recently.


As lead animator on these group projects I had to teach / mentor others through aspects of how to animate and how to use certain features of the software. I found that screen capturing procedures as guides and recording software activity was a powerful way of helping to train people. It was easy to do this remotely simply by recording myself performing key tasks. These visual aids were well received.

"The Girl Who Could Speak Cat" Animation Shots



"Agnes & Ollie" Animation Tests



Showreel Post-Production - 'Memoirs'


Showreel Stop Motion Skills


One project I worked on in a group was 'The girl who could speak cat' 


The Film was about an unhappy girl is living in a rigid black and white paper world, where people always follow the rules and feel proud of themselves for what they do. The girl tries to break the rules with her creative dancing moves, which has been forbidden by her mother who is afraid of other people’s perspectives. However, one day the girl meets the cats. She goes into an amazing colourful world without rules, and she has never been so happy. With her wild dance she wants to show everyone what she can do, but is banned by her mother again. The miracle happenes, the tears from the girl infect her mother’s hand so that it turns colourful, and finally the mother accepts the change. 


This is a collection of some of the Animation I created during the project. (This project is going to festifals and so is password protected)


Written, Produced and Directed by Dotty Kultys

B&W character and background design : Szu Yu Chen

Colour character and background design : Justine Saint-Lo

Animation and compositing : Szu Yu Chen, Nicola Dunlop, Dotty Kultys, Hoda Touny

Sound and music design : Dave Yapp

Dubbing mix : Brian Moseley

Voices : Szu Yu Chen, Nicola Dunlop, Dotty Kultys, Justine Saint-Lo, Marek Nekola, Dave Yapp

"The Girl Who Could Speak Cat" Animation Tests



Showreel Post-Production 'I Made It' 



Showreel 1st Year University work


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